To those who like to call George W. Bush a fascist
Here is a very interesting article from our friends on the left corner.
Please visit "Is George Bush a fascist?" By Paul D'Amato
I really like the part where he says: "If we lived in a fascist state, it would be impossible to even publish this newspaper, let alone print this article. To cry "fascism" every time a Republican is in the White House is to drastically underestimate what fascism really is. Secondly, it feeds illusions in the idea that the Democrats are somehow less likely to resort to police measures to attack working-class and political movements."
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That's a very interesting article and fairly typical of initially deliberate misuse of a real term becoming redefined through the ignorant parrotry of the lazy political classes and their mouthpieces. Of course, the educational system should properly teach what the true meaning of fascism is (as mine did). As the infamous Joseph Goebbels said, "If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth."
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