Nonie Darwish visiting Minnesota
Nonie Darwish was visiting the Twin Cities area on Sunday, April 10, 2005. She is one of the few people on the Arab side of the conflict who is really looking for opportunities for peace and coexistence with Israel. Her group has a wonderful web site where one can learn more about the group (
They can also use any help they can get – it is amazing how few people know about them including in the Jewish community.
Nonie, who has a great grasp of realities in the Middle East, also has some very good ideas on how to improve these realities. One particular idea came across my mind yesterday as I was reading Sharansky’s latest book: Nonie said that while the Saudis and other Muslim governments have the free right to channel money into the U.S. in order to create a following here, this exchange of ideas is unidirectional: as far as she knows, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, there is no real freedom of press and association in any of the Arab countries, and thus no real movement to support the peace efforts of the U.S. Government. Sharansky has exactly the same opinion and a very similar recipe: link the ability of the Arab Governments to support any legal organizations in U.S. with the ability of U.S. Government and NGOs to support human rights organizations in Arab countries.
Visit for more information about this wonderful person
Nonie Darwish with Joanne Magnusson from Bridges For Peace, Lydia and Semyon Axelrod
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